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Unlocking Affordable Dental Care: How Much Does a Crown Cost With Insurance?

Unlocking Affordable Dental Care: How Much Does a Crown Cost With Insurance?

Get the royal treatment without breaking the bank! Learn how insurance can help cover the cost of your dental crowns today.

When it comes to dental work, the cost can often be a major concern for patients. This is especially true when it comes to procedures like getting a crown, which can be quite expensive. However, for those with dental insurance, the cost of a crown may not be as daunting as they initially thought. In fact, having insurance can make all the difference when it comes to affording this important dental procedure.

First and foremost, it's important to understand what a crown is and why it's necessary. A crown is a type of dental restoration that covers or caps a damaged tooth to restore its shape, size, strength, and appearance. Crowns are typically recommended for teeth that have been severely damaged by decay or trauma, or for teeth that have undergone a root canal. Without a crown, the tooth may become more damaged over time and could eventually require extraction.

Of course, the cost of a crown can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the type of material used, the location of the tooth, and the dentist's fees. Without insurance, the cost of a crown can range from several hundred to several thousand dollars. However, many dental insurance plans cover at least a portion of the cost of a crown, making it much more affordable for patients.

Furthermore, dental insurance can also help cover the cost of other necessary procedures that may be needed in conjunction with getting a crown, such as X-rays or a root canal. This can provide even more savings for patients who may have otherwise been unable to afford these treatments.

Overall, while the cost of a crown may seem daunting at first, having dental insurance can make all the difference. By covering at least a portion of the cost, insurance can help ensure that patients get the treatment they need while also keeping their finances in check.

The Cost of Dental Crowns with Insurance: What You Need to Know

If you need a dental crown, you may be wondering about the cost and whether your insurance will cover it. A dental crown is a tooth-shaped cap that is placed over a damaged or decayed tooth to restore its function and appearance. In this article, we’ll discuss the cost of dental crowns with insurance, what factors affect the cost, and how to find out if your insurance covers the procedure.

What is the Cost of Dental Crowns?

The cost of dental crowns varies depending on several factors, including the type of crown, the location of the tooth, and the dentist’s fees. On average, the cost of a dental crown can range from $800 to $1700 per tooth.

Factors that Affect the Cost of Dental Crowns

Several factors can affect the cost of dental crowns. These include:

  • The type of crown – There are several types of dental crowns, including porcelain, metal, and ceramic. The type of crown you choose can affect the cost.
  • The location of the tooth – If the tooth is located in the front of your mouth, a more natural-looking crown may be required, which can increase the cost.
  • The dentist’s fees – Some dentists may charge more for their services than others.

Does Insurance Cover the Cost of Dental Crowns?

Whether your insurance covers the cost of dental crowns depends on your specific plan. Most dental insurance plans cover a portion of the cost of dental crowns, but the amount of coverage can vary widely. Some plans may only cover a portion of the cost, while others may cover the entire cost.

How to Find Out if Your Insurance Covers Dental Crowns

If you’re not sure if your insurance covers the cost of dental crowns, you should contact your insurance provider. They can tell you what your specific plan covers and what your out-of-pocket costs will be.

What to Do if Your Insurance Doesn’t Cover the Cost of Dental Crowns

If your insurance doesn’t cover the cost of dental crowns, there are still options available to help you pay for the procedure. Some dentists offer financing options, which allow you to pay for the procedure over time. You can also look into credit cards that offer interest-free financing for medical expenses.

The Importance of Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are an important part of dental care. They can help restore the function and appearance of a damaged or decayed tooth, which can improve your overall oral health. If you need a dental crown, it’s important to talk to your dentist about your options and the costs involved.

Tips for Finding Affordable Dental Crowns

If you’re looking for affordable dental crowns, there are several tips you can follow:

  • Shop around – Get quotes from several dentists to find the best price.
  • Consider different types of crowns – Some types of crowns are less expensive than others.
  • Look for financing options – Many dentists offer financing options to help make the cost more manageable.
  • Ask about discounts – Some dentists may offer discounts for cash payments or for multiple procedures.


Dental crowns are an important part of dental care, but the cost can be a concern for many people. By understanding the cost of dental crowns with insurance and exploring your options for financing and discounts, you can make the procedure more affordable and accessible. Talk to your dentist today to learn more about dental crowns and how they can benefit your oral health.


The cost of dental crowns is a common concern for most individuals in need of the procedure. With the rising costs of healthcare, it's important to understand the factors that influence the cost of a dental crown with or without dental insurance.

What is a dental crown?

A dental crown is a dental restoration that covers a damaged or decayed tooth, providing strength and protection. Crowns are typically made of porcelain or metal, and they serve as a long-term solution for weakened or broken teeth.

Average cost of a crown:

The cost of a crown can vary based on several factors, including the type of crown, the location of the dental practice, and the expertise of the dentist. On average, a single crown can cost between $800 and $1,500.

Factors influencing the cost of a crown:

The cost of a crown can be influenced by several factors, including the type of crown, the materials used, the location of the dental practice, the experience of the dentist, and the complexity of the procedure. For example, a porcelain crown may be more expensive than a metal crown due to the higher cost of materials.

The impact of dental insurance on crown costs:

Dental insurance can play a significant role in reducing the cost of dental crowns. Most dental insurance plans cover a portion of the cost of crowns, typically between 50% and 80%. This means that if your crown costs $1,000, your insurance may cover $500 to $800 of the cost.

Understanding insurance coverage:

It's important to understand the specific coverage your dental insurance plan offers for crowns. Some plans have a waiting period before coverage begins, while others may have annual maximums or limitations on the number of crowns covered. Be sure to check with your insurance provider to understand the details of your coverage.

Out-of-pocket costs:

Even with dental insurance, there may be out-of-pocket costs for a crown. These costs can vary based on your insurance plan and the specific dental practice you choose. Some dental practices may charge more for crowns than others, so it's important to shop around and compare prices.

Financing options:

If you're facing high out-of-pocket costs for a crown, many dental practices offer financing options to help make the procedure more affordable. These options may include payment plans or loans with favorable interest rates. Be sure to inquire about financing options when you schedule your appointment.

Steps to minimize crown costs:

There are several steps you can take to minimize the cost of a crown. First, maintain good oral hygiene habits to avoid dental issues that may require a crown in the first place. Second, address dental issues early before they require a crown, as early intervention can often be less expensive than waiting until the problem has progressed. Lastly, shop around for a dental practice with competitive pricing to ensure you're getting the best value for your money.

Final thoughts:

While the cost of a dental crown can be significant, it's an important investment in your oral health and overall wellbeing. By understanding the factors that influence the cost of crowns, you can make informed decisions about your dental care and choose a solution that fits within your budget. Don't let cost concerns prevent you from seeking necessary dental treatment – there are options available to help make crowns more affordable.

When it comes to dental procedures, the cost can quickly add up. Crowns, in particular, can be quite expensive, and many people wonder if their insurance will cover the cost. Here are some things to consider when it comes to crown cost with insurance:

The Pros of Crown Cost with Insurance

  1. Lower Out-of-Pocket Costs: If your insurance covers crowns, you will likely pay less out-of-pocket than if you were to pay for the procedure entirely on your own.

  2. Greater Access: With insurance coverage, you may be more likely to be able to afford the care you need, including crowns.

  3. Peace of Mind: Knowing that your insurance will cover at least some of the cost of your crown can help you feel more at ease about getting the procedure done.

The Cons of Crown Cost with Insurance

  1. Limitations: Depending on your insurance plan, there may be limitations on how much coverage you have for crowns. This could mean that you still end up paying a significant amount out-of-pocket.

  2. Premiums: Some insurance plans come with high premiums, which could offset any savings you might get on dental procedures like crowns.

  3. Waiting Periods: Some insurance plans have waiting periods before coverage kicks in. This could mean that if you need a crown right away, you may have to pay out-of-pocket until your coverage begins.

Ultimately, whether or not crown cost with insurance is right for you will depend on your specific situation. It's important to review your insurance plan carefully and talk to your dentist about the costs associated with getting a crown. By doing so, you can make an informed decision about what's best for your dental health and your budget.

Dear valued blog visitors,

We understand that the cost of dental procedures, such as getting a crown, can be a concern for many of you. However, we want to assure you that having dental insurance can greatly reduce the cost of your treatment. With insurance coverage, the cost of a crown can be significantly lower than without it.

It's important to note that the exact cost of a crown with insurance will vary based on your specific plan and coverage. Some plans may cover a larger percentage of the cost, while others may require you to pay a higher deductible or copay. It's always a good idea to check with your insurance provider to determine how much coverage you have for dental procedures.

At our practice, we work closely with insurance providers to ensure that our patients receive the maximum coverage possible for their treatments. We also offer financing options for those who may not have insurance coverage or need additional assistance with payment. Our goal is to make dental care as affordable as possible for all of our patients.

Thank you for considering our practice for your dental needs. We hope this information has been helpful in understanding the cost of getting a crown with insurance. Please don't hesitate to contact us with any further questions or to schedule an appointment.

When it comes to dental procedures, many people wonder about the cost of getting a crown. And if you have dental insurance, you may also be wondering if your plan covers the cost of a crown. Here are some common questions people ask about crown cost with insurance:

  • 1. How much does a dental crown cost?
  • The cost of a dental crown can vary depending on several factors, including the material used, the location of the tooth, and the dentist's experience. On average, you can expect to pay anywhere from $800 to $2,500 for a crown.

  • 2. Does dental insurance cover the cost of a crown?
  • Many dental insurance plans do cover the cost of a crown, but the amount of coverage can vary depending on your plan. Some plans may cover the full cost of the crown, while others may only cover a portion of the cost. It's important to check with your insurance provider to determine your specific coverage.

  • 3. What if my insurance doesn't cover the full cost of a crown?
  • If your insurance doesn't cover the full cost of a crown, you may be responsible for paying the remaining balance. However, many dental offices offer payment plans or financing options to help make the cost more manageable.

  • 4. Are there any alternatives to getting a crown?
  • Depending on the condition of your tooth, there may be alternative treatments that can be done instead of getting a crown. These treatments can include fillings, inlays, or onlays. Your dentist can help you determine the best course of action based on your individual needs.

  • 5. Is it worth it to get a crown?
  • Getting a crown can be a worthwhile investment in your oral health. Crowns can help restore the function and appearance of damaged or decayed teeth, and can also help prevent further damage or decay from occurring. Talk to your dentist to determine if getting a crown is the right choice for you.

Overall, the cost of getting a dental crown with insurance can vary depending on several factors, but many plans do offer coverage. If you're considering getting a crown, it's important to talk to your dentist and insurance provider to determine your specific coverage and payment options.